Lithic Alliance, Isabelle Andriessen, Vanessa Billy, Dora Budor, Cyprien Gaillard, Liisa Hirsch, Edith Karlson, Anu Pennanen, Anna Skodenko, P.Staff, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Ingel Vaikla, Barbezat-Villetard
Lithic Alliance, Isabelle Andriessen, Vanessa Billy, Dora Budor, Cyprien Gaillard, Liisa Hirsch, Edith Karlson, Anu Pennanen, Anna Skodenko, P.Staff, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Ingel Vaikla, Barbezat-Villetard
The exhibition "fugacity” reflects on the uncertain future of a monumental Soviet concrete structure - Tallinn Linnahall - as an analogy of a common undefined future of our impermanent present and offers the concept of fugacity as a tool to accept change and transformations. Fugacity is the quality of impermanence. In thermodynamics, the term stands for a substance's tendency to escape from one environment to another. Fleeting, escaping to find its balance. As a reconciliation site of personal histories and a colonialist past, the monumental Linnahall offers a platform to re-examine the possible ways of transitioning between our past, present and possible common future as well as of co-existing with one another and our natural and built environment.
Exhibition text: PDF
Kristina Grigorjeva, Margit Säde
Graphic design:
Laura Pappa
Paul Kuimet, Joosep Kivimäe
Tallinna Linnahall
Tallinn, EE