RADICAL SOURCES2.9.–8.10.2022
Claire Fontaine, Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė, Laurent Güdel, Jeanne Jacob, Hunter Longe, Lou Masduraud, Sadie Plant, Augustin Rebetez, Jan van Oordt
Text by Antoine Rubin
Claire Fontaine, Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė, Laurent Güdel, Jeanne Jacob, Hunter Longe, Lou Masduraud, Sadie Plant, Augustin Rebetez, Jan van OordtText by Antoine Rubin
There is a stream that follows the Arc of Jura through St-Imier down to Biel/Bienne, bringing with it the echoes of a politically engaged culture, anarchist watchmakers and free spirits, as well as of the first International anti-authoritarian congress in St-Imier 150 years ago. “Is there something in the waters of the river Suze, or in the air of St-Imier?” asks author Sadie Plant in a letter exchange with Jan van Oordt. The group exhibition RADICAL SOURCES takes its source from the history of anarchism in the Jura region and looks at artist practices that crystallise socio-political issues and reflect upon alternatives to current societal structures.
In addition to the exhibition, a video programme proposed by Nicolas Raufaste was presented in the attic floor of KRONE COURONNE. A selection of works by five artists gathered around punk attitude, hydrofeminism, injustice, alternative living and self-criticism.
Contemporary Art Centre