25.3 - 23.4.2022
Sophie Benvenuti, Linus Bill+Adrien Horni, Judith Kakon, Katrin Hotz, Izidora L. LETHE, Nicolas Polli, Gaia Vincensini

For the exhibition “TRACE, SET, PRINT!” eight artists were invited to translate their practices into the medium of print. The seven new series of prints are the result of a collaboration and a form of residency between the artists and one of the printing ateliers in the region of the Berner Jura that take pride in traditional printing techniques - atelier gravure in Moutier. Accompanied by existing works of the seven artists - unrelated to the act of printing and giving us a glimpse into their respective practices - these series of prints reflect on the act of "translation" as a performative and communicative tool.

Contemporary art centre